Fifteen.....Alto's Lucky Number

Hey folks! Having a great start to the weekend? Well, for some, it's about to get better!

As most of you know, my gold guide has been out for two weeks now. Today marks the fifteenth day of it's availability, and it has already been updated with the latest and greatest for 4.1.0. Not even live for two weeks and already an update? You bet!

This isn't just a one time purchase for my guide. Once patch 4.1 went live, I updated with all the latest and greatest gold making tips for my "inner circle", information that has not been published on my site.

Now in it's fifteenth day, and since fifteen is my lucky number, I am dropping the price to $15 bucks for 15 hours, then we will be holding constant at the original $25 price tag. So if you have hesitated on purchasing, do so now!

Buy NowIn case you were wondering where to purchase this guide, you can use one of the "BUY NOW" tabs with the Visa/Mastercard logo.

It will direct you to my ebook page, sponsored by EJunkie (funny name, great company) and secure payment through paypal's 100% safe "sister" site.

For my new readers that don't know much about me, I have hit the gold cap back in Jan/Feb of this year, and was recently interviewed on WarcraftEcon for hitting a million gold. What other gold guide out there actually has proof they know the game and not just cutting and pasting what they find on the interwebs? What other guide seller has proof they can walk the walk and not just talk the talk?None. Take a look at some of my old posts, they tell the tale....

If you are familiar with Markco and his 20K Leveling Gold Guide, he recently posted giving props to my guide (see his article here) "Afterwards, and if you haven't done so yet, you should take a look at Alto's blog as well as his gold making mini-guide which is actually an excellent complimentary guide to 20k Leveling." 

For another "gold guide" owner to say something of that magnitude, and to say buy someone else's guide, well, it's says how great my guide is. And the information isn't even touched on any guide that is currently available. You can only get it here!

Buy NowThe information I give in my guide is all about the AH. How to's, how to's, how to's. What you need to do, what to look for, what addons to use, how to read information on your competitors, you name it, I cover it. I teach you how to read your AH. I don't have my guide filled with junk about farming, what items are moving quickly on the AH, thats for my blog (however, the update hits on 4.1, so that's a bit off kilter, but you get my point).

The great thing about my guide? You have me personally to answer any specific question you have or issue you are running into. Hop on Skype, tell me your order ## from your purchase, and BAM! Gold Guru at your fingertips! No waiting and hoping for a post on what you need, you can ask me direct! Nice, huh? I thought ya'll would like it!

Enough with the Bla, bla, bla, buy my guide, bla, bla, bla. I always hate when a blogger goes on and on about buying something, but in this case, love it or leave it. I am offering a great deal on a great product, and if you aren't game, cool. If you are, holler!