I wish I could link to individual articles at the Korea Herald website. Here’s an important bit from “Lee’s Trouble Deepens, Undermining Mandate”:
But the tide began to turn in mid-May as the wave of protests against the beef trade deal escalated in
The first thing Lee and aides did in the face of the protest was to try to uncover the "leftist forces that were pulling the strings."
Coming next were violent crackdowns highlighted by video clips showing police shooting water cannons directly at protesters and kicking a grounded woman in the head. …
Fresh from his
His government is in for more trouble in the politically sensitive month of June.
Local by-elections are scheduled for tomorrow. June 10 marks the 21st year of a 1997 democratic uprising. June 13 marks the 6-year anniversary of the tragic deaths of two girls crushed by a
Labor unions are also set to intensify struggles against his planned reforms of the blotted public sector.
The streets may turn into a battlefield of ideology later in the month as anti-communists may recall two deadly naval clashes between the two
With that knee-jerk anti-leftism, it’s no surprise that George Bush likes Lee.
But here’s the thing: the protesters won – this round, anyway. From “Beef Imports Shelved Among Public Uproar”:
The government again postponed the resumption of
The new import terms were scheduled to come into effect today as soon as the government published them in its gazette.
The Agriculture Ministry said it asked for the plan to be on hold at the request of the ruling Grand National Party. Public Administration Minister Won Sei-hoon ordered a halt in the binding of the government publication, officials said.
Lee has had to back down on other grandiose plans, like building a canal across the peninsula. “The plan was Lee's key campaign pledge but it faced opposition from civic groups and the majority of citizens for its possible damage to the environment and unproven economic feasibility. … He said all the preparatory events may be canceled.” But it would have allowed Lee to funnel so much money to private contractors!
Another headline: “Police Under Fire for Violence Against Beef Demonstrators.” Here’s a link to pictures at OhMyNews, and here are some of the video clips that the article refers to. (Props to Siegfried's Blog for these images.)
Compared to state violence in other places, or in
Beef imports are only one of the problems South Koreans face, but now they know – especially the kids too young to remember the days when tear gas and water cannons and beatings with clubs and shields were routine -- that the government has to listen to them. A new generation of pro-democracy activists has cut its teeth in Korea, and rebuffed their government's attempt to slap them down and send them home.
For now, today, there’s good news: the people won.