History was witnessed around the world yesterday and this morning brings the dawn of a bright new era in American history. Glued to the TV last night, few words can describe the feeling felt as the battleground states gradually fell under Democratic control, and the eruption of euphoria that engulfed New York City when the presidency was awarded to Obama will not soon be forgotten.
Gracelessly shifting the focus to music - this is not, and never will be a politics blog after all - Bag Raiders' "Shooting Stars" contains a similarly euphoric burst of emotion, its climactic moment unleashing a flood of uplifting energy above and beyond anything you've heard in music this year (and remember, we're the kids who brought you "Sleepyhead" not so long ago). Here the Bang Gang luminaries take the focus off the dancefloor for the first time and with the Australian duo gunning straight for the heartstrings the results are nothing short of brilliant. Featuring a perfect vocal courtesy of Rhys from Ted & Francis, the track is a lesson in delayed gratification, slowly building to the triumphant climax at 2:41 when the finest chorus of 2008 (seriously) finally bursts forth in all its technicolor glory and "Shooting Stars" establishes itself as one of the year's elite singles.
MP3: "Shooting Stars" - Bag Raiders