Going on vacation and posting will be pretty non-existent until a week from Sunday (1/24/09). Happy trading and remember, the next big move should be up in just about all stocks and commodities until the spring.
A gentleman named Martin Armstrong is one of those rare scholars with common sense and an uncanny knack for calling markets. His cycle work is critical reading. If you think I am a little bearish on the future of the markets and economy, please read his rant here.
Excuse the typos, as he is in prison right now (unjustly) and probably typed this from his cell. He is a fascinating dude and I like to keep an eye on his economic confidence model cycle turn dates (which don't always necessarily correspond with market tops and bottoms, but sometimes they do quite accurately). There is a chart of the cycle turn dates below and here is a link to a brief explanation of this cycle.

You may also want to read the latest rant from Karl Denninger at Market Ticker. Another smart dude that saw all this coming from a mile away, though he often focuses on the political side and I have no hope that CONgress or our bankstas will do the right thing.
Now think happy thoughts!