At May 9, 2009 We arrive in Pekan Baru.
The flight is a bit headache since there's a baby that constantly crying all the time during the flight, honestly i love little children, but crying constantly for more than one hour near me ? wow... my ear plugs at my bag.. so i can't do anything !
Because of the swine flu they check our body temperature before the immigration both.
I feel okay so does Maria.
We eat another junk food at CFC near the departure gate after we had our luggage. First plan is we will stay inside the terminal until the travel bus is picking us up.
But then seemed the airport security DOESN'T understand what we're trying to say so we just walk outside and sit near a padang restaurant (forget the name) between international arrival and checking entrance.
We wait until 3 pm then decide to go by taxi to the travel pool. We use Wijaya Kesuma Travel, and it cost us Rp 180.000 to go to Jambi. The taxi, after bargaining, is Rp 40. 000,- we didn't use the taxi that provided by the airport because they ask for Rp 50.000 plus Rp 10.000 comission for them, so total will be Rp 60.000.. thanks..but no ! we will take the 40 thousand !
After locked up our bags (theres no locker). Actually i feel very sleepy so does Maria, but we still have like 4 hours to wait before we leave. The bus leave at 8 pm.
So we went with public transport to Pekan Baru Mall from the car pool cost us each Rp 2000.
I just got some snack for the trip, we will spent 11 hrs on the car !
We went for gado-gado near the bus pool. We actually walk on our way back... when we saw lots of people parade, its chinese with chinese costumes, and there's barongsai dancers and lots more... very.. unique !
After we went for gado2 we wait like 30 min before we leave.
The road is bumpy, i try hard to sleep and use my eye mask and turn on my music player.
Maria decide to go straight to our work field. I think it 5.40 am when finally we arrive at "simpang 35" the driver a bit concern because its not a safe place to drop off passenger especially a girl. Its a jungle ! but that's where we work (its 40 min from Jambi city).
We didn't take lots of picture here because we just spent few hours only.
So that's how our journey end. Day after we arrive we're officially work ! (aaaawww!!!)