Lesbian and Gay Families on The Kojo Nnamdi Show

I'll be appearing on the Kojo Nnamdi Show on WAMU-FM at noon (EST) tomorrow. I'm appearing with Oakland attorney and author Fred Hertz, who will discuss his book, Making It Legal: A Guide to Same-Sex Marriage, Domestic Partnership, and Civil Unions. I've read Fred's book and it's an easy-to-follow analysis of the various laws across the country that recognize same-sex couples.

I'll be discussing the local situation...quite a varied picture, given super-DOMA state Virginia on the one hand, and super gay-friendly DC on the other. Maryland falls in between, and Delaware, which doesn't get much attention despite its location as a magnet for LGBT folks escaping the DC heat, gave me one of the summer's biggest surprises with its new parentage statute.

There's much to report that has happened since the publication of Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage. I'm thrilled to have the chance to explain local LGBT family law. Please call if you have questions!