Kinda funny how Blizz always plays on words....but anyways, whilst farming ore in Uldum, I ran upon this rare cata spawn, took care of business, and what happens upon his/her demise? 68040 non-rested xp. What a nice little bonus, since his/her loot was nothing to be proud of.

A grey that vendors for 25g. No epic/blues, not even a greenie. Grey loot. But I guess to look at it, I kinda liked the XP boost because my ore/herbie toon has killed only around 15 or so mobs, only a few quests, all the other xp has come from mining and herbing.
BTW, as an update, I am still getting great results from my mailbox, however I will not be posting my screenies (unless of course you want them...), still selling EVERYTHING, and still making around 8-10K a few times a day when I check my AH toon. =)
It's up to you. Either you do it, or someone else will. Remember, "If you aren't first, you're last!" (famous quote by some famous guy from some famous movie)