While hanging around /2 this evening, I saw some interesting comments, along with some interesting names, and figured I would share them with you.....so here's you's go:
Believe it or not this cat was a level 60. I mean, what made him finially realize to change it?
After reading this one, I laughed, actually out loud. Like not a lol. But really. And then I looked at his name. Not that it is really funny either, but for some reason, I laughed so hard that I stopped making noise. You know that laugh? Yeah, that one. BTW, did you know that Bud Light coming out of your nose feels like fire? Well, you do now....
I am not sure if this is a prayer, or if he thought he was typing this as an ad for eHarmony. The thing that bothers me is he posted this one a few times within a spam (err. I mean span) of a few minutes. That means he actually has this as a macro....
Now this one had nothing to do with /2, but I have some magnet on this toon when it comes to finding Blizzards errors.
Take a glance to the left. Whaddya see?
You know what's coming next right? Yeah, it sold....
I got a feeling that my buyer didn't necessesarily look at the stats when he bought this. I do have a feeling that a blue ring with +0 stats does look better than a green one though... Amirite? =)
*If you happen to be one of these folks, leave a comment on this page (or send an in game mail from the character) and I will toss you some gold, since I couldn't really fuzz over, as this post would have been blank without you. Thank you......
By the way, the Faire is coming into town in a few, what does that mean to you? Do you have a game plan? Or don't really care, too worried about getting bets down on the Super Bowl?