For three months now I have talked about making gold. I wanted to make a post on spending it, and give you all an insight into how I got where I am today. Some folks get in the gold game because they want to buy BoE gear. Some folks are pet collectors. Some enjoy buying mounts. Some just want gold to hit the cap. I just wanted the ability to buy everything. Yeah, everything.....
*a cloud of dust appears around my head as I relive days of old....bear with me...
While farming Un'Goro Crater (for mining nodes and the skins of Dino's there), this cat whispered me wondering what I was doing there (he mentioned that he was amazed that I could do that at my level). After talking to him a bit, we got to be "in game" buddies. A few days later, I recieved a tell from him "i gotta get you to 60. Now". They needed a rogue for their raids, as the main DPS just quit playing. To make a long story short, he helped me level through to "cap" and start raiding. The issue I had was that I was undergeared. After quite a few runs in Blackrock Spire, I was powered enough to become a part of the "team". Next thing I know, I am raiding three nights a week, 6-8 hours at a time.....
The main issue that I had was getting pots and food for the raids. It was at this time that I got into the gold game. Back then, there was little in the area of addons for goldmakers (that I knew of). So I did my homework, and started flipping items. Then flipping vendor items. I started rocking, as I was good at it. So while others were farming herbs for the raid pots, I was playing the AH and farming mobs.
After starting on AQ 40, there was a falling out in the guild. Half the folks left to start their own on another server, and out of the other half, a few quit, and a few stayed. At the time, I was involved with work, and was in the midst of a hiatus from the game. I didn't find this out until returning around two months later....The game started to get stagnant. But I then realized. I enjoyed the AH, and enjoyed the "solo" game.
I have to say, as a rogue, I had quite a few options...(a big one was for the crusader enchant, as that was a quick 300g in the AH. I had another that was to stealth in BRD for fiery enchant. Lord Incendius "stealth run" for the Ace of Elementals was another nice one...) Basically, I found out how to play alone. In a game that really isn't based on solo (at the time). Fast forward....not really sure, but I think around 10K was my worth nearing the end of vanilla.
BC was a blast. Once I was leveled, Hellfire Ramparts and Coilfang had a few chests that I could pick solo and get hella blues. Well, if you didn't count the lockout on 5 resets per hour....
Then there was farming the rare mobs for their respective drops. Another fun time. Once again, not 100% positive, but I know I was six digits going into......
Wrath. Well, I took quite a bit of time away from the game during this period, I think I played the first few weeks to a month, then off and on throughout. This was when the AH game took front and center, and became my priority. Receiving many a Glyphmas presents in my mailbox, selling the bullets and arrows for hella profit (no, I wasn't one of the hundred stack scammers, but I had stockpiled even back then on the mats, and had a bud make me a ton of them, for HUGE profits, as he was first one that had them on the server, and I offered him half my profits if he didn't make them for anyone else but me. Good deal. Really good deal..... =)
So now back to my first paragraph of this post. For some reason, I got rambling a bit, and kinda enjoyed reliving my "life" on WoW, thanks for listening...(if you are still reading).
Back to topic. I have a horrible habit of buying the "new, never seen" items that blizz tosses out to us. Now I am not talking about loot cards, that is different in my eyes. My addiction has always been the new "gold sinks" that blizzard releases to us:
BC added Haris Pilton Bags- Along with a premium to fly
Cata Introduced the Vial of the Sands- With a premium to fly once again
Did you fall into any of these traps? Or maybe the Kirin Tor rings? Or .......?
Now I am expecting to hear about your "gold sinks", as I can't imagine you haven't bought anything "fun". So lemme know!
*And for the record; please, please don't say Mysterious Fortune Cards . =)