The Results Are In! And the Winner Is....

I regret to inform you that due to the "chads" sticking, I need to go through and count the submissions by hand. I also have to say that not everyone's votes counted, as they were tossed out in court due to not being relevant to the question asked. Lemme guess, you are all pretty cheesed at me right now. Amirite?

Just kidding. I do want to start this post by saying thanks to all that have taken interest in this little project of mine. I did not think there would be this much discussion on the matter, let alone all the comments left by you. And for that, I thank-you once again. If no one else loved you this past Valentines Day, I did. And still do. Now for the gunk!

Alot of folks commented on how bad #1 would be. Since the release of WoW, there has basically been addons. I started a few months into the release (however I did play a bit at my bud's, he had access from day one, and even a bit before with the Beta from playing Diablo) and there were already addon's out, although nothing compared to what they are this idea was the first one tossed out.

For number two, starting a fresh toon with 1K. The comments received on this one were all over the place. Some liked the idea of a level 1, yet others commented how much this has been done before. Nev did a great series on this at Auction House Addict, Markco has this listed on a part of his 20K guide as well as a youtube video on it. No reason for me to go this route either. It has been done, and very well I might add.

So neither 1 or 2 wins....well...sorta. Read on please:

Lets go over the comments. Almost every post and email that I read were either wanting some sort of a mix of the two, or a complete hybrid of the ideas as a whole. Now is where I am stuck.

"The email did make a very good point in that a majority of gold-making blogs are geared toward higher level toons with maxed or near maxed professions" Ali

"Realistically, if a player had only a level one character with nothing but 1000g they would probably be more interested in leveling than making gold straight away." Seal

"Some great comments here but I'm going to be contrarian here. I say neither" Super Casual

"I'm not particularly interested in another "Rags to Riches" experiment" Vince

"challenge #2 will teach low level players how to make gold when they're just starting." Mage

"Of course, I'm not exactly riveted by Challenge #2, either, but it'd be a better read" Stede

"Good luck sir, and may you survive without clawing out your eyes at the horrible default AH UI." Bruski (loved this comment, he really wants me to be hurt. bad..."

"I'd have to agree with "neither"." Michael

"Maybe do something else, like only use some professions that are (almost) never blogged about? I'm thinking Blacksmithing!" Xylaria

So as you can see, there are quite a few "morphs" in the comments, and the emails I received (18) are basically the same, most hating the one and making a "hybrid" of 2.

Now I have come to my decision. Drum roll please.......

I will start a Horde DK (lvl55, a "mid" level toon) on a mid population server,  and will level two professions along with it. And he's a goblin...(just kidding). A nice juicy steak. Err, I mean Tauren. In case you are interested in keeping up with him when I am not posting about him, check his auctions over at TuJ, his name is Altolycus on the server Anvilmar.

Ebon Hold awaits!

Are you happy with the results? Are you pissed off about them? Shout out! Don't hold it in! *it will just give you a tummyache...