Another Great Has Fallen.....

Since I started blogging in late 2010, I have seen quite a few blogs come and go. I have to say that none affected me like this one: Trading with Zoxy.

Zoxy has just announced that he is leaving the WoW Blogging community. It will be a sad departure, as over time, Sam has become a friend and mentor to me. I have learned alot of coding and website design from him (this page you are looking at now wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him) and he is probably one of [if not the] best overall folks I have met in this "wow'o'sphere".

So cheers to you Zoxy, I hope all is well and the world continues to treat you with respect and prosperity. I know I can speak for more than myself when I say this: you will be missed.

Thank you for your time, your effort, and your understanding helping out a hacker like me.

Best Wishes,