Hey folks! I hope the start of your weeking is going well. I have stayed away from my Auction House addons lately, and hadn't had a vs. lately, so I figure we are due for one...
This post is directly due to undercutting. Now we all know that TSM works great for this, but for those that are haters on that Addon, or just plain out don't want to mess with it, here's your chance (and a great one at that).
Of all the posts here and there on using Auctionator, I have yet to see this option, and it's one that I use quite a bit. Now it does take a bit of time to use (about a minute per 100 auctions), so depending on how many you have, it's safe to figure off of that number. It's kinda like the old school scan for Auctioneer, basically click it and work on something else, as it is time consuming, but worth it...So let's get started:
Go down to the lower right side of the screen, under the "More" tab (1). Yeah, I know, most people have never even used this. Bear with me.
Now hit up the "Check for Undercuts" button on the opposite side (2). Click that. Now sit back and enjoy (once again, about a minute per 100 auctions).
After this "scan" has ran it's course, you will have another window pop up. Here, you will see how many auctions have been undercut, and you will now have to spam your left click (or keybind) on the "Start Cancelling" button. Hows that? Easy, huh? No more clicking through everything.....
Now be sure to wait a minute (ok, maybe 30 seconds) before you leave the AH or close the window. It takes a bit of time for the addon to complete cancelling. Now hit your mailbox, and poof! Relist.
A very simple addon to use, a little known addition to this addon, and a time saver as well as another tool to help you with your sales. Gotta love addons! =)