Part I- Cataclysm Rare Spawn List - Locations/Loot

Now some of you folks out there are big into farming (I know, you don't have to hide). One of my favorite past-times is running around and farming these mobs. Now of course they are on a "Blizzard Timer" (4 to 8 hours- but once again, RNG), but odds are if you do a route to the different areas, you can hit up at least one. Due to most of the drops being Rare "BoE's", they are a very farmable mob if you are in the area.

*Edit- I have added Part II and Part III- The Addon 

The pics are the "spawn locations" according to wowhead, and the links on their names provide you with the "dropped loot" of these spawns (mouse over their name below to see the loot). Due to their being a handful more, I didn't want to mash them into one post, so expect Part II to hit the "shelves" tomorree. Without further ado, here's you go:

Blazewing Hyjal


Thartuk the Exile Hyjal

Shok'sharak Vashir

Poseidus Vashir

Burgy Blackheart Vashir

Lady La-La Vashir

Hope this helps you find not only the rares, but some great loot as well! Some of the drops will actually sell very well on the AH, so keep that in mind when listing them. See ya'll tomorrow!