Real ID- Friend or Foe?

Yeah, I know. RealID has been around for a bit. I have only recently got into using RealID (around a month now) and have seen a few issues. 

With this platform, there are good and bad things that are happening....From what I have seen, the bad is outweighing the good, but I am wondering how it affects ya'll on your servers. Don't get me wrong, there are some great things about it for friends across different servers (or those that play SC as apposed to WoW), but it's absolute death for some of my fellow readers that are AH'ers....

Here's the situations that alot of folks fall into:

"My guild made me set up RealID due to me being an officer."

"My friends on my server had me set it up, so we can chat easier, we are in different guilds"

"As a part of being in my guild, one requirement is RealID'ing everyone of the officers"

Drag. The bitch about using RealID is tenfold, but the main issue is you can no longer "hide" when selling goods in the AH. No alts to sell your stuffs. Everyone knows your toons. Big, big drag. We don't want this. If you are competing against your guildies in the AH, it's one thing. It's worse when you can't even "hide" in game (not that I recommend that anyways, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, right?).

On the other hand, this can be a positive thing, for the same reasons listed above. I really don't have to say it again, do I? Didn't think the paragraph if you aren't seeing my point.

Does this bother your AH sales? Have you even looked? Is there any way to get out of it (RealID) without looking like a hater? For the guild folks, is having RealID affect you? What are you doing to work around it?

On the flipside, how does this affect you without knowing?