Anyways, here are a few things I gathered from the notes:
•Stormforged Legguards item is now rare (blue) quality.
Check your AH, because when it's blue, its worth more, right? =)
•Obisidum Ore now spawns slightly less frequently in Mount Hyjal.
If you farm there, you know this was gonna get hotfixed anyways. At least it lasted a day....did you gain? I did. =)
•The Blacksmithing Redsteel Shoulders item is now uncommon (green) quality.
Once again, I am sure there are more things that will affect us all that they didn't note, so keep an eye open as usual. It seems when they fix "code" for one thing, it jacks another area up. It is our job to find that.
Oh, and in case you are still asking for "The Openings", things are still doing good, but I slacked yesterday, only setting up one round of auctions, but still doing well...