Now that the competition has lessened in the AH, and the Cata market is being overrun with uncut gems from prospecting, lowering the prices to almost single digits for Alicite (11g each) and Jasper (14g each), I will be focusing this post on crafting two items, Jasper Ring and Alicite Pendant.....Not to sell as "greens", but we are looking for the procced "blues" that I am seeing around a 10-15% droprate on. The blues are level 300, which sell rather quickly, as I put them on the AH for a 24h auction and rarely have to relist them (they are selling consistantly for 200-350g each). A few examples:
After listing my blues, I then head to the Mailbox to send out the greens to my Enchanter for disenchanting for quicker sales than if I was to attempt to sell them in the AH. I am receiving either 1-4 Hypnotic Dust or 1-3 Lesser Celestial Essence per item:
Ok. Now to the point. Profit Margins. Here you go:
40 Alicite @ 11g = 440g
20 Jeweler's Settings= 36g (20 @ 1g30s from vendor)
Upon crafting these, I received 4 Blue Procs, so let's say on the low end 200g each= 800g
16 Greens to D/E gave me:
Hypnotic Dust- 14 @ 8g50s= 119g
Lesser Celestial Essence- 18 @ 24g25s= 436g50s
Total Profit= 1355g50s minus the 476g materials cost= 879g50s (not bad for a whole 10 minutes worth of time)
AH Cost-20 Jasper @ 14g each= 280g
20 Jeweler's Settings= 36g (20 @ 1g30s from vendor)
Total Materials= 316g
Upon crafting these, I received 3 Blue Procs, so let's say on the low end 200g each= 600g
17 Greens to D/E gave me:
Hypnotic Dust- 18 @ 8g50s= 153g
Lesser Celestial Essence- 22 @ 24g25s= 533g50s
Total Profit= 1286g50s minus the 316g materials cost= 970g50s
So what I am trying to get at here is when something worked for you before, it will work again. The profits now are not what they were a few weeks ago, but they are still there. I have also noticed that either way you sell the Essences, they are basically the same profit, so I split them up and make a few of each. For those that don't want to mess with math, you can just figure that if Hypnotic Dust goes for above 6g, and the Essences are over 36g, then the price point is more profitable than the cut and vendor. Easy peasy.
What have you done in the past that this post reminded you of? Don't be hesitant, shout out in Comments!