Here Fishie, Fishie, Fishie! Undocumented Hotfix: Spawnrate Changed on Shipwreck Debris Pools

To start off, I just want to remind you to look to the left of this post, and click "follow" to be added to my blog (if you already have, ignore this). If you are new to the site, please take some time to run through some of my older posts. Feel free to comment and I will do my best to answer or reply as soon as I can. Enough of, onto what you came here for:

The title says it all. I had a post a few weeks ago about fishing in Tol Barad (I originally read a post on The Gnomish Coin about farming Azshara's Veil there, but I was having issues with other herbalists farming against me, so I took a hand at fishing, you can see my original post here). Every few days, I like to go there, and if you read my previous post about hitting your "farming" locations post patch/server downtime (to see if there are any changes), this is just part of my WoW ritual.

Right away, I noticed that the Shipwreck Debris Pools
 were allowing me multiple casts. Not one time
(out of nine pools) was I allowed less than two casts.
The first couple, I was thinking maybe it was just luck.
 Then I decided it wasn't. Blizz must have changed the "proc rate" on the pools. So what about the Fathom Eels? Nothing changed, other that I had two procs of 3 (yes, 3) Volatile Waters that I had fished up. Nice. That might have been luck..... So off I go, with a fishing pole in one hand, and my keyboard in the other. Since this would be a blogpost, I clicked on the timer bar by the mini map, and started the stopwatch...One hour to go.....Here are the results:

Shipwreck Debris Pools: 9

Volatile Water= 8 @ 20g - 160g
Azshara's Veil= 11 @ 9.5g - 104.5g

What was in the sealed crates you ask? 

Heavy Savage Leather= 7 @ 55g- 385g
Embersilk Cloth= 39 @ 5g- 195g
Volatile Water= 6 @ 20g- 160g
Volatile Air= 4 @ 45g- 180g
Obsidium Ore= 22 @ 4g- 88g
Twilight Jasmine= 7 @ 9g- 63g
Pyrite Ore= 3 @ 22g- 66g
Elementium Ore= 6 @ 4g- 24g

Ok, so I didn't add up the gold in them. Don't hate. I am far from perfect. But I did add up the "junk". Basically a bunch of booze, but I am still wondering why they are still full (not empty). I know when I fish (outside WoW), I have to drink, not because I am an alcoholic (I am not) but because if I don't catch any fish, at least I catch a buzz....

I didn't factor these into the total gold count due to they are copper and silvers vendored. And I drank them up anyways. Nothing like drunk WoW fishing, kinda gets hard to see the bobber with the screen fuzzed over....
Fathom Eel Pools: 35


Fathom Eel= 71 @ 9g- 639g
Volatile Water= 10 @ 20g- 200g

Now I did mention that I picked up herbs as well:

Azshara's Veil: 39 nodes


Azshara's Veil= 105 @ 9.5g= 997.5g
Volatile Life= 47 @ 9g= 423g

Not too shabby.....3262gph (take out a few hundred for AH fees- but it is still a 3K per hour farm)....Now take in a few factors. There were others in the area, although I was still busy the whole time (only time wasted was between pools or nodes, and avoiding the shark....), I am on a PVE server (so no possibility of being ganked), and I was utlizing Path of Frost on my DK (quicker water movement). If you want to make a bit more gold, you can always utilize the mats you just farmed with professions (cooking up a few Skewered Eel or Seafood Magnifique Feasts)

Feel free to use these numbers and mats (if you fish and herb at the same time) and apply them to your server. I imagine the prices overall will be pretty close, give or take a hundo or so. This was and still is a viable farming spot for GPH.

So what are you doing? Get out your pole and go fishin! Go! Now!