Shirts are usually extremely cheap to make too, and most of the patterns are obtainable from a trainer or a vendor. I'll list the ones that sell within 48 hours, on a high pop realm at least.
Click on a name to see the material costs.
Click on vendor/drop (source) to see the details.
Red Linen Shirt
Source: Trainer
Blue Linen Shirt
Source: Trainer
Stylish Red Shirt
Source: Trainer
Stylish Blue Shirt
Source: Drop
Stylish Green Shirt
Source: Drop
Dark Silk Shirt
Source: Vendor
Source: Vendor
Source: Trainer
Source: Trainer
Source: Drop
Source: Trainer
Source: Vendor
Source: Vendor
Source: Vendor
Different Lumberjack shirts
Different Workman shirts
Tip: Most people have no idea how valuable some patterns are, so it's likely there's a uncommon (green) or a rare (blue) shirt pattern available in the auction house for less than 10g, even now!