Tailors: Sell those shirts and make gold

Sometime ago I was looking to buy a shirt for my new alt but there were no cool colors available in the AH, so that made me create some shirts with my tailor instead, and sell them for a nice pile of gold. What I've noticed people are ready to pay even 100g for a shirt and a lot more if it's a bit more uncommon, like black shirts or those obtainable from a pattern. Do some reasearch on your realm and see what shirts you could sell exclusively, so you get to choose the prices.

Shirts are usually extremely cheap to make too, and most of the patterns are obtainable from a trainer or a vendor. I'll list the ones that sell within 48 hours, on a high pop realm at least.

Click on a name to see the material costs.
Click on vendor/drop (source) to see the details.

Red Linen Shirt
Source: Trainer

Blue Linen Shirt
Source: Trainer

Stylish Red Shirt
Source: Trainer

Stylish Blue Shirt
Source: Drop

Stylish Green Shirt
Source: Drop

Dark Silk Shirt
Source: Vendor

Source: Vendor

Source: Trainer

Source: Trainer 

Source: Drop

Source: Trainer

Source: Vendor

Source: Vendor

Source: Vendor

Different Lumberjack shirts

Different Workman shirts

Tip: Most people have no idea how valuable some patterns are, so it's likely there's a uncommon (green) or a rare (blue) shirt pattern available in the auction house for less than 10g, even now!