It may still be far away, but it's wise to prepare for it, starting today! That is if you want to make extra 12,000g during it!
As you may know, certain items will be VERY high in demand during the Children's Week, even if they are super easy to obtain. But let's face it, people are lazy! And that is what makes us rich :)
Also, Rift is still "stealing" players from WoW so there will be less people farming these items, meaning more profit for you, as some of the Rifters will login during the event just to grab their achievements! Also certain items are "harder" to acquire now with the portals gone, such as Dalaran donuts!
Let's make it simple. These are the items that will have their prices rise to the roof during the first day of Children's Week, and in many realms even before that! Last Children's Week happened during WOTLK and people were way more poor back then, so the prices will be even higher now, but are still only estimates!
Popular items and their average AH prices during the
first 10 hours of the event:
Small Egg: 40g
Best place to farm: Dragonhawks
Northern Egg: 70g
Best place to farm: Many! Choose the best
Delicious Chocolate Cake: 300g
Created with Cooking
Tasty Cupcake: 40g
Created with Cooking
Dalaran Doughnut: 40g
Sold in Dalaran
Dalaran Brownie: 60g
Sold in Dalaran
Red Velvet Cupcake: 30g
Sold in Dalaran
Flask of Port: 20g
Sold by many vendors
Mageroyal: 90g/stack
Obtained via Herbalism
Simple Flour: 10g/stack
Sold by many vendors
Mild Spices: 10g/stack
Sold by many vendors
Warning: The prices will keep dropping as the event continues, so start listing your items the day before the event starts! The prices are only estimates. People will undercut you a lot on some realms, and on other realms the same items may go for 200% higher prices!
Note: You should not farm these yet. Instead, check your AH every day and see if these items are sold for ridiculously low prices and buy them! But do not buy vendor sold items. You will be the one selling them in AH when the time comes!