Ok folks. Now most of you know from reading my blog that I have a stockpile of Pyrite Ore in the slim chance that we will have the ability to prospect epic gems from them.
Take them out...seriously. You don't need earplugs, you are reading this, not listening to me.....I know you don't want to read another post about them, but quite a few have been asking again, so I am telling, a bit more in depth than I have hit before.
What is Alto doing to get prepared? What am I expecting? What am I gonna do? Bear with me, and I will explain it. Trust me, you will learn something. If not, then you didn't read all the way through, or you missed something. So pay attention for the two minutes it takes to read this. =)
The Guts of Figuring Out Buyout Prices/ What if the Ore doesn't Prospect Epics?
Now before you say "Just use OreCrusher". Nah. Past that point now, aren't we? For almost three months now, I have had 3 tabs full. Yes, I have bought some since then, but only at my "price point". By that I mean, as an example, I figure that 1 stack nets 5 Volatile Earth and 3 "blue" gems:
So if your Volatile Earth is 20g, then figure that times five, so 100g. Your "blue" gems? I figure what a Inferno Ruby (67g) and an Amberjewel (4g) sell for, add em together, and thats my "estimate" for blues proccing. That isn't too techincal is it? Easy is good. Add them (100g + 71g = 171g per stack). There is my "break even". Make sense? Ok. Good.
Now this will work for NOW. Not later, not after fluctuating market prices, but you are safe to purchase at this price. Obviously, this is once again a break even price. So to profit (which is what we do), you need a lower price on them.
What if Da Epix End Up Disenchanting From Pyrite Ore?
Now to the guts of Pyrite Ore. This is all what we want to hear, right?
"How many epics do I expect to see from one stack?" When I hear this, I shudder. Not factoring past prospecting, I am figuring 1 per two stacks. Nothing else. This is my estimate, and I am sticking to it. It might be more, but it won't be less. Feel me?
Ok...now.....the question is how much will the sexy epic gems go for? The first two days, I am expecting nothing less than 2-3K uncut. Cut? Depends. I will probably hit 3-4K. In the next week, they will settle around the 1K mark, and 2K for the "hard to find" cuts (ones that you don't have, because you didn't have enough Jewelcrafting Tokens saved up from when I told you not to spend em around a month ago).
So with those estimates, I am thinking I will get 1-2K per 2 stacks of Pyrite I have. So one tab will net around 100-200K, pending sales of course. This is why we stockpile, right? And you can bet your ass I will take a day off and just chill next to my AH prospecting, cutting, relisting, collecting gold, well, you get it. Oven and over. *This is IF you can prospect them, mind you....
What? You don't have a Jewelcrafter? Gosh. Alright. A stockpile here and there will still be a good idea due to the resale value. With a gem coming out of every two stacks (estimate again, don't hate), Pyrite Ore stacks will jump up to around 500g per stack. If not more. So you can always resell. Post some up the first few days of the "release", just save some for other things....
Oh yeah, all the AH'ers will be focused on these gems, so this is also the time to jump into "do not enter" markets as well. Have you been bullied out of Glyphs? Get in there. Odds are, there will be less undercuts and lesser competition from the release. Once again, we prosper.
Transmute Alchemists, Know Your Role
What I see happening here is my SURE bet. I have no doubt in my mind that Alchemist's will have access for transmuting. I imagine there will be a cooldown, but really, who cares? Epix, baby. And you can make them.
For this, I am stockpiling Blue Gems. Now I know I have waaay more than I can ever use, but there is a point to that. I want stock. Alot of the "power shufflers" right now are vendoring their blues, because on some servers, they are basically vendor price on some anyways. Others are getting their ass kicked by making "The Perforators". Biggest. Waste. Ever. Who ever thought of that and told folks needs a swift kick, as that is the worst way to get rid of them. Sorry, got sidetracked there. You want a stock so you can sell them in the AH, as the prices will rise. Not tenfold or anything, but I am guessing 20-50ish percent overnight.
Now they will need something additional, the obvious choice there is Volatiles. Oh, what I am doing? I have I stack of each on my alchemist (200). I don't want to be the guy scouring the AH and begging to get them, so if you are so inclined and your bankroll allows, I would recommend this too.
Busy, busy weeking starting tonight, so not sure if I can rock a weekend post or not....so if I do not have one posted, don't freak, I will be back Monday...Have a great weekend kids!