*Once again, please don't read if you are easily offended....
So earlier this evening, I was on Skype chatting with another blogger, Xander of Xander's Goldmine, and we were talking about server's economies and how they differ. I mentioned that one of the things that are the same no matter what server you are on is the demand. If you play WoW, the demand across the servers is very comparable (not 100%), but similar. It's the supply that differs, and thus the price fluctuates. Sound about right? I thought you would agree...except that guy in the back, he never agrees with me anyways...
So the conversation bounces around a bit, just random gold chat, then we start talking about blog posts. I follow up with this:
[6:57:15 PM] Altos Goldish Advice: i dont want my blog to come across as a "my dick is bigger than yours" style, i want it to be more like the ads..."listen to me and your dick will get bigger"....
I got a pretty good laugh out of it, but maybe it's like the old saying "A skunk can't smell his own scent", i.e. Maybe that was only funny in my book....lemme guess though, you probably have re-read it already....and laughed again....
On a side note, if you haven't entered yet, you have till midnight tonight to enter my Loot Card contest I posted a few days back. I will be announcing the winners tomorrow morning, same gold time, same gold channel. Ok, not really, but around 9ish a.m. Central time.
Almost 2K page views and only 11 entries? I don't get it....What, you don't like stuff for free?