I received a reader email a few days back:
i just started playing warcraft last month. i know, i am a little late getting started. but here is my question. i was told that enchanting was a good starter proffesion, i am also a herbalist and I am wondering where I can go to make some money with them. i have been questing in barrens is there somewhere that has alot of gold? i want to get gold to buy a mount. i like your blog but the things you talk about are way out of my range as i only have 13 gold to start with my brother gave me 10, but i need to pay him back. i dont have the money to buy your coaching otherwise i would buy your coaching just hoping you can help.
Thanks for asking this question, I will do my best to help. First off, I want to direct you to a few WoW gold forums, The Consortium, JMTC, and Massively Obsessed. They are free, you just need to set up an "account" to get a login name, and off you go! Don't hesitate to ask the folks at any of those locations, you will see that in the gold community, most folks are more than happy to help out!
Let's get started. Before I get to far, I want you to install a couple add-ons. If you are wondering how to do that, you can ask your brother or you can go to curse gaming and they have how-to's on the process. I reccommend you to get the following: Auctioneer and Auctionator for right now. You can get into more addons at a later date, but these are the ones you need to get started.
Now you are making me rack my brain a bit here, but I thought up a little plan for you. In the area that you are questing, there's a little town called Ratchet:
As an enchanter, this is a viable town to pick up some vendor gear to D/E or to equip. For a small investment (30-40s in most cases) as well. What I want you to do is go around to all the buildings (and outside them as well) and start buying up the "limited" gear that they sell. Here's a few screenies of what you are going to want to purchase there.
For less than 4g, you can grab all of these. Now what I want you to do is "mouseover" these items. You should see something this ---------->
This will help you see what the approximate value is to disenchant, and if it will be profitable for you to do so. If you look from top to bottom, I will explain what you are seeing. What the % "proc" that the item will make upon d/e'ing. See where it lists the Disenchant value? 3g38s38c? That is the most important part of your process. For an item that is 40s, you can literally gain 3g profit upon selling the "mats" on the auction house. For the 7 items I pictured above, you can estimate an almost 20g profit (due to procs, these will fluctuate).
What I would like you to do while you are running around questing, hit Ratchet, grab up these items, do a few quests (they have a "soft" reset of 30 min to 2 hours on these items), and run back to town to check the vendors again. Since Org is only a quick FP to toss them on the AH, add that to your routine here as well. Before you know it, you will be able to pay your brother back and you will be on your way to a nice chunk of change, and you will get your mount asap.
*By the way, I would like you to click on this paragraph to see the location for a "rare'ish" pet that spawns in the area, if you get that, you will have a quick 50-150g upon selling it...there is a 6 to 12 hour reset (last I knew) on this to appear, so check the nearby area for this as well!
Good luck to you in your new endeavors with making gold, I hope this helps!
For all you pro's out there, if you have any other advice, don't hesitate to leave a comment to help this cat out, think back to when you started and how tough it was. Take a minute or two and leave something you might have done back then, I am sure they would appreciate it! Thanks ahead of time!