Need Two Years, To Clean Dust Merapi in Borobudur Temple

Cleaning Mount Merapi volcanic ash at Borobudur Magelang regency, Central Java, has yet to complete and it took two years. Cleaning the outside of the initial extent and have not touched the inside of the stone structure of the temple.

Volcanic ash was still in the crevices of the wall drainage or waterways and the stupa of the temple. If left unchecked, sulfur-containing volcanic ash has the potential to make a stone temple mold.

To that end, in 2011, BKPB scheduled cleaning of volcanic ash in the crevices of walls, drainage, and the stupa with the funds of Rp 268.9 million. In the same year, BKPB conduct research on the effects of volcanic ash stone temples in cooperation with conservation experts from the United States and UNESCO.