Being the stubborn WoW player that I am, I feel that addons are around to make our lives easier, not to take an hour to setup, have issues throughout (unknown vendor purchases anyone?), and just at an utter loss on the supposed "ease of use".
To dive deeper into it, I basically didn't want to spend the time to get it setup myself, almost thinking "my way" was better than the program. A few bloggers posted "how to's", and that really just made my tiny brain more confused, so I wrote it off. Until Nev. I commented on her post asking if she can make a "how to" that even a dumbfounded Alto can understand. Yesterday, she posted the first part on how to set up the addon. It took about 20 minutes to set up, and I was extremely surprised on the actual "ease" of it. I am 100% positive that it was due to her writing and explaining each step thoroughly that made sense to me this time.
Today, she finished her Part Deux of the post on glyphing, and all is good. I thought. I run into another issue (go figure....), I am not able to "buy" my crafts, my TSM is only grabbing Lion's Ink glyphs, JEEBUS! Did I mention I really, really hate this addon?! Luckily, Zoxy popped onto Skype, and after an hour of messing around, we finially figured out the issue(s).
To make a long story short, due to not paying attention to Nev's guide, I missed a tiny spot (clicking the enable all crafts) that jacked me up to no end (not to mention a few other issues). So please follow everything in AHA's guide, and you will be ready to rock.
If you work TSM, you will be happy. It does take quite a bit of time for setup, quite a bit more time to craft, but the Auction part is what I am really pleased with. Posting, cancelling, reposting. The time I am saving here will "pay" for my time setting up the whole deal.
So for all those that are "skeered" about getting into this addon, all the trouble that it takes to start when you get it set up, it makes life sooo much easier. As long as TSM is working, it will be working for me.
Thanks again Nev and Zoxy. And once again, if you have been against this addon, believe me, it is worth it. If you can figure the damn addon out. I truly wish you the best of luck. You will need it...
As a reminder, JMTC is having their Friday Night Special going on, so write down some questions, and c'mon over! There are a handful of AH pro's available to answer you gold making issues at the beginning, then it's open "mic" for general gold'ish chat. See you there!
8pm Central Time.
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