The Absolute Best "How To" Guide for TSM- Tradeskill Master!

After all the issues that I have seen with this add-on, and all the folks I have helped, all the blogs I have read, all the time I invested figuring out the ins and outs with every little issue....and did I mention I was in the middle (three hours into it) of writing an "Alto's "How To" TSM Guide"?

Well, I open my TSM folder that I downloaded from, and what to my wondering eyes do appear? A minuture sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.....errr. wait. not really. Well, I will just show you:

Yeah. Not the "Unofficial" Guide to TSM, but the "Official" one. You gotta be kidding me! How I did not notice this is beyond me. I regrettably tossed my little 3 hours of work "how to" into the recycle bin....never to be brought up least I hope to not hear about it again....

Have you ever had a "kick yourself in the ass" moment? What was it? I am sure it wasn't wasting 3 friggin hours on a project, to only have the "MAN" make a guide already? Not even a "peasant", but the "king of TSM", the one that wrote the friggin program, have the "OFFICIAL GUIDE"? I am getting a migrane....

So, if you are having issues or just plain out haven't tried this amazing addon due to all the problems and questions you had setting it up, now you have it. The absolute only guide you will ever need to look at again.

Like I mentioned....what have you done lately that deserves a boot in the ass? Or am I the only one that feels the pain?