Greater Eternal Essences and Illusion Dusts still have very high prices on most realms. Blacksmiths can also make easy gold with their profession by creating equipment which disenchants into the said dusts. Almost every profession can create similar equipment and I will list them at a later time.
Enchanted Thorium Blades
Requires Blacksmithing (300)
This would be the least expensive to make, each item costing only the following to make:
Enchanted Thorium Bar x 2
Thorium Bar x 6
Rugged Leather x 1
And one will disenchant into some of the following:
Greater Eternal Essence x 1-2
Illusion Dust x 1-2
Large Brilliant Shard x 1
Atm I can make about 170g profit from one stack of Thorium Bars since they are dirt cheap most of the time, and almost no one is selling GEEs, so I can ask even 80g for one! Illusions have had a price tag of about 50g (Each!) for a while now on some realms. 15-20g is the average price usually.
Remember to check Thorium Ore's prices also, as some miners don't bother smelting them and list for silly low prices instead. Here's an opportunity for Jewelcrafters also! More on that later.