Yeah, Alto is Posting On The Obsidium Shuffle....

This is great. Really. I am glad to see this finially happened. This is what I enjoy in AH PvP. Everyone freaks out that their niche is now dead. Well, lets just say "in the hospital", not really "toe-tagged" yet. Situations like this is what seperates the men from the boys in our little PvP...

My biggest overall gold profits come from Patches/Hotfixes. And this is (and will be) one of them. While other bloggers are freaking out about the shuffle being over, I am thinking what I can do to make this a positive....

For those that are freaking out:

There is still some time to get your vendor on, and also time to find a new niche, because the "vendoring" Obsidium Shuffle is soon to be dead. Six feet under. But like a cat, the Obsidium Shuffle has nine lives. There are plenty more options to roll with....crafting, d/e'ing, selling the dust and essences and blue procs is the first that comes to mind. Making bars, selling the daily uncuts, and crafting Shadowspirits are viable sas well. See? You aren't losing the shuffle per se, but you just lost a little part of it.

A few questions and answers for ya:

"What am I going to do to make gold now?"
- If you ask this, you haven't read my blog. Go back and look at other money making niche markets. If you are lazy, then the gold game isn't for you. Do your homework, find out what profs you have, and read my previous posts, especially on diversification.....

"What am I going to do with all my stockpile?"
- Major patches don't hit till Tuesdays (for US) and Wednesdays for EU. Play it like normal till then (if you are deciding to vendor). You will want to keep stock on the daily uncuts (Zephyrite, Nightstone, and Jasper). I have restocked my Shadowspirit Diamonds (for the upcoming new gear slots) and my "blue" uncuts as well.

"The shuffle was my main source of income"
- Diversify. Feel out other markets (blacksmithing/leatherworking pvp sets, glyphs, pots/elixirs). Once again, check out some old posts and keep updated with the new ones. Subscribe to my RSS feed so my posts are at your fingertips.
This one has been a complaint for some time....

"The cost to post my daily gems is too high if they don't sell"
- Now you don't have to worry, as the AH factors in the "vendor" price. Look forward to seeing more competion on the daily Jewelcrafting uncuts in the AH (Zephyrite, Nightstone, and Jasper) on their respective "daily" days.

Enough on this topic, and here is what you read this post for:

Do you want to know my best advice? Don't leave the shuffle. It's not as bad as everyone thinks. Due to MMOChampion/Wowhead/ and others mentioning this, alot of folks are going to flat out stop doing the shuffle. So it's not profitable to vendor after 4.1. The other 8 lives [in the shuffle] will be (server dependant, please check your prices before jumping in too quickly- I will post after 4.1 hits on how-to's).