Jewelcrafting Daily- Did You Forget About It Too?

God. I missed another day of posting. Sometimes RL gets way to busy with my WoW life. But hey, the tooltip on the login screen says to get outside of Azeroth once in a while, right? And we are supposed to listen right? Hahaha.

As the title states, my JC daily has dropped from a "mos def, everyday" to more like a "huh? oh yeah, the daily....I will get to it before I log off". Is the same thing happening to you? Since this little daily "moved" into the building she used to whore herself outside of, I have done one daily in the last week. As I have not logged into Alliance, I am not sure of their situation, but if you are Horde, you know exactly what and where I am going....You probably aren't doing them either, am I right?

The issue we run into now is we are losing gold. An absolute ton of it. Why you ask? We aren't getting Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Tokens, so we are not getting the stockpile for epic gem cuts when they come out. And that is a HUGE loss.

In WoW and in RL, we all make mistakes. What we hopefully pull off is learning from them. I am making a statement with learning from this. What I am going to do is log off AT THE JC DAILY. Not near the AH, not in the bank, not infront of the mailbox, right next to Marith Lazuria like I am her own personal stalker. Eww. That really sounds creepy....

So this is a really short post, but a very important one. Don't forget them dailies, as they are a great investment and will have a HUGE return in the future. Playas play on!