So it's been a long minute since we've been back to our second home across the pond, but we're pleased to announce we'll be making our triumphant return to London this week with our dudes The Knocks in tow. To celebrate, we're throwing down at XOYO next Wednesday the 10th with The Knocks debut London show, complete with our beloved Spark and the mesmerizing Entrepreneurs supporting. Doors are at 8pm with Entrepreneurs taking the stage shortly thereafter for a so-called karaoke set (ooooh) that will mark their first show ever. Rounding out the line up will be Chiddy Bang beatsmith Xaphoon Jones getting large in the DJ booth with us on the ones and twos all night long. The show is also FREE ENTRY, so come one come all and let's throw down in a big way. To mark the occasion we've got a fiery exclusive remix of the Knocks new single "Dancing With The DJ" courtesy of our dudes Xaphoon and Chiddy, who will also be hitting London this week to light up King's College this Saturday. So yeah, BIG WEEK.
MP3: "Dancing With The DJ" (Chiddy Bang Remix) - The Knocks [exclusive]