Luckily, I am still able to post this evening, but who knows what tomorrow brings, as she is getting worse. You guys are part of my online family, but my RL family has to take priority. Sorry folks...Well, enough of that, let's get to reading, huh?!

Once again, they have a "sparkly" trail that grabs your attention that it is there (if you don't notice a huge nest with flippin pink eggs sticking out of it...).
When you are farming this pet, you will need to go to Dustwallow Marsh (Kalimdor) just to the East of Blackhoof Village. Once again, this "drop" is all around the area that I have highlighted.
Other than randow drops from leveling up my herbalism and mining, the drop "pet" that I posted previously, there is a recipe that I sold, Rainbow Fin Albacore.
When starting a new toon, it is a must to get some starter cash to "flip" vendor items. In this case, 4s to 4g. The great thing, it's not even a "limited" item.
Snatch it up from your local fishing vendor in any major city.
*Edit- Within literally seconds of posting this, Vince over at Bank of Wukam posted on this fishing vendor (he did a better job than I, so click anywhere here to go check his site!)
Right outside the AH is a Fishing Supplies Vendor by the name of Shankys. Shankys sells three Cooking recipes: Recipe: Mithril Head Trout, Recipe: Rainbow Fin Albacore, and Recipe: Rockscale Cod.
Aight, that's the update, one set of AH and a couple hundo gold. I did have to invest a bit of time leveling my gathering profs, I am up to 5 hours playtime (with no push on leveling....yet). How did this noob blogger do meshing two posts in one? Hope you enjoyed it, holler if you ran into questions at this level of AH or this level toon, and I will do my best to get you a post on it! Later, skater! (can you tell I watched an 80's flick today?)