Ok, ok. All of a sudden I am versus everyone, everything. Well, lately I think that's just how not just my WoW life has been, but "real" life as well. I won't go into that, because that isn't why you are here.
This is going to be an update post throughout the night, as I get information, you will be the first to know. So let it be that if you are reading this right now, you need to keep checking back. If you see something that I don't hit on, feel free to update in the comments below.
I am still on my search for the "rare" beasts that has been mentioned in the PTR notes. No such luck as of yet. But I have seen a few things:
4.0.6 Changes Seen So Far
PvP prices raised, 1K more conquest points.
The add-on Bagnon is broken. *Edit- It has been updated
Spawn rates on Herbs Nerfed? Nerf Faids!Azuriel just noted that the Daily Transmute for Alchemists is Busted....Anyone else see that?
I don't think blizz planned this one out too well. I mean...... .02 sec. Really? Cmon folks.....
If you are a 'scribe, get to the Trainer, as they added a new glyph in the patch, and toss it on the AH. Quickly. If you don't, someone will beat you.
Sinzi Sparkscribe. Ink Trader. Org. No more needing to hit up Dal. I am sure there is an ally mirror of a trader there as well. We knew this was coming (once again forgot who coined it) Figured you might want a little screenie anyways....
Just as a reminder, check your Blackfallow Ink and Inferno Ink prices to see if a flip is in order (10 Blackfallow per Inferno) to make some coin.
Sarana Damir: Alliance Side:
Thanks Alberthus! I don't play on ally side anymore, so I appreciate the pic!
Thanks Alberthus! I don't play on ally side anymore, so I appreciate the pic!
Yeah, I really hate TSM. Have I said that already? I had a few Blackfallow's in my bag, and upon checking Sinzi's wares, I walked away and saw this. Really? This addon is now deleted.....I did nothing for this to happen, no clicking, nothing. Total Bullshit.
Now I hope you listened to me when I told you about saving up three Jewelcrafter Tokens to get this Design, because in the time that I bought it, crafted a few (5), tossed em on the AH and barked once before hitting my farm spot (see below) to test the "new" droprate of Tiny Treasure Chests, I had sold all of them. At 359g each..... =)
If you didn't listen, do so now. Someone might have beat you to the punch though....
Ok, something I was looking forward to wasn't the "reverse" nerf with the Potion of Treasure Finding. You nerfed it alright. The wrong way. Unless I was totally unlucky, but doubt it due to a blue drop. I hit up my Hyjal spot (you all know my fav farm spot- still not changed with the respawn rate, btw), popped a pot, and got 10 chests. Uhm. Not what I expected, as I pounded the mobs there (look below for that one). So pffft. Gonna try again after I finish this post, and will update.
Nerf Faids did a post on possible "over" nerf of Heartblossom and Whiptail. Now I had too much competition in Uldum to check, but I reset Gatherer when I noticed there was only one cat running in Deepholm (think he's a bot anyways, takes alot of time sitting at a node before picking it, and didn't respond to me...). But here's a screenie. Seems better, but I haven't really farmed herbs for quite some time, unless we are talking TolBarad. I took a flight around the map, and this seems to be the spot.....
Nerf Faids hit up this spot in lower Uldum, it's crazy spawns. I finially got a chance to get down there, and even though there is competition, I am still getting great rates. I am with Faid when she said that the Volatile Life stockpilers better start worrying, as even though I have seen a slight rise in price, I am getting around 100 per hour currently between uldum and deepholm.
Can we say "Twilight Highlands Nerf" again? Jeebus. No daughter tonight, I know where I am hanging until the hotfix tomorrow, we all know that's coming. Get while the gettin's good folks!

I think I will give it an hour or two. What do you all think? Seen any yet? Wondering about droprates....
As I mentioned, I will keep you posted on the findings throughout the night, and it will be on this post, so if you are searching too, check back frequently...